Sunday, May 2, 2010

Manual 2. Graphs

4 Types of graphs visualize your expenses.

[1]Select graph type
To select graph, tap right bottom. Then graph type selector will open.

There are 4 graphs.

-Daily history
-Category breakdown
-Category analysis
-Monthly History

[2]Daily history graph
Daily history graph shows how your expenses increase day by day. Also it shows for what and when you spend by photo thumbnails.

-Expense detail
  Touch photo or icon to open bubble.
  Tap photo or icon to go expense detail.

-Daily expense list
  Tap day number to open expense list of a day.
-Change photo size
  Tap left bottom button to open action menu and select one of 4     sizes(Hide, Small, Large or Proportional).

-Mail graph image
  Tap left bottom button to open action menu and select "Mail Graph Image".

-Change month
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift month. Or tap month title label to go to month list.

-Graph image sample

[3]Category breakdown

Category breakdown graph shows your spending habit.
-Category summary
  A balloon shows a summary of information when you touch a part of the graph.
-Expense list
  An expense list appears when you tap a part of the graph.
-Change month
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift month. Or tap month title label to go to month list.

[4]Category analysis
Category analysis graph compares budget and expenses for each category.Blue area shows this month's budget. You can know which category you spend too much.

-Category summary  A balloon shows a summary of information when you touch a part of the graph.

-Expense list  An expense list appears when you tap a part of the graph.

-Change month
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift month. Or tap month title label to go to month list.

[5]Month history
Month history shows how your expenses change month to month.You can compare current expenses to past month.
Blue area shows the category's budget.

-Category summary
  A balloon shows a summary of information when you touch a part of the graph.

-Expense list
  An expense list appears when you tap a part of the graph.

-Change category
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift category. Or tap category title label to go to category list.

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