Monday, May 3, 2010

Manual 6. Tag

[1]Define tag
To add, delete or revise tag definition, Select "Tag" in setting view.

-Add new tag
 Tap "+" button to create new tag.

-Tag detail
 Select tag to see detail or edit.

-Delete category
 Tap "Delete And Change Order" button to start edit mode.
 Also you can swipe left to right (or right to left)  to see "delete" button.

-Change order
 Tap "Delete And Change Order" button to start edit mode.

-Tag name
 This name will be inserted to note when you attach tag to expense.

-Short name 
 This name will shown as label.

  Label color.

[2]Attach tag to expense
In Edit view. Tap "list"button(see following image) to attach tag.

[3]Analyze expenses using tags
You can look at monthly total amount of tag in "Month history" graph and "Tag" table.

In Search tab, you can filter by tag. 

Manual 5. Budget

There are 2 types of budget.

-Standard budget
 Basically, this budget is applied to all months.

-Special Budget
 This budget is optional and applied to particular month.
 If you make special budget for a month, special budget override  standard budget.

[1]Standard Budget
-Add category
 Tap "+" button to add new category.

-Category detail
 Select category to edit category name and budget.

-Delete category
 Tap "Delete And Change Order" button to start edit mode.
 Also you can swipe left to right (or right to left)  to see "delete" button.

-Change order
 Tap "Delete And Change Order" button to start edit mode.

[2]Category detail
-Category name
 If you change category name, category name of all expenses which are belong to that category will be replaced to new name. Category name of special budget will also change to new name.

 Input budget by slider or calculator.

[3]Special budget
-Add new special budget
 Tap "+" button to create new special budget.  And pick month and tap "Done".
 New special budget is copy of standard budget.

-Edit special budget
 Select special budget you want to edit.
 How to edit special budget is same as standard budget.

Budget appears almost every view.
You can see how budget change from month to month in "Monthly History" graph and "Budget" table.

If you don't want to do budget management, you can completely hide budget by setting.
Try "Settings > User Interface > Show Budget".

Manual 4. Search

In seach tab, you can filter expenses by date, amount of money spent, category, name and note(tag) and show list and total.

-Set search option
 Tap one of five options to set option.

-Set order
 Tap "order" to change search result list order.

 Tap "Search" button to do search.

 Tap "Clear" button to default search options.

[2]Search options


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Manual 3. Tables

Table view shows summary of all expenses.

There are 4 sheets. Expenses, Balance, Budget and Tag.
Red cell means expenses over budget.

 You can scroll vertical and horizontal freely.

-Cell detail
 Tap cell to open expense list.

Manual 2. Graphs

4 Types of graphs visualize your expenses.

[1]Select graph type
To select graph, tap right bottom. Then graph type selector will open.

There are 4 graphs.

-Daily history
-Category breakdown
-Category analysis
-Monthly History

[2]Daily history graph
Daily history graph shows how your expenses increase day by day. Also it shows for what and when you spend by photo thumbnails.

-Expense detail
  Touch photo or icon to open bubble.
  Tap photo or icon to go expense detail.

-Daily expense list
  Tap day number to open expense list of a day.
-Change photo size
  Tap left bottom button to open action menu and select one of 4     sizes(Hide, Small, Large or Proportional).

-Mail graph image
  Tap left bottom button to open action menu and select "Mail Graph Image".

-Change month
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift month. Or tap month title label to go to month list.

-Graph image sample

[3]Category breakdown

Category breakdown graph shows your spending habit.
-Category summary
  A balloon shows a summary of information when you touch a part of the graph.
-Expense list
  An expense list appears when you tap a part of the graph.
-Change month
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift month. Or tap month title label to go to month list.

[4]Category analysis
Category analysis graph compares budget and expenses for each category.Blue area shows this month's budget. You can know which category you spend too much.

-Category summary  A balloon shows a summary of information when you touch a part of the graph.

-Expense list  An expense list appears when you tap a part of the graph.

-Change month
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift month. Or tap month title label to go to month list.

[5]Month history
Month history shows how your expenses change month to month.You can compare current expenses to past month.
Blue area shows the category's budget.

-Category summary
  A balloon shows a summary of information when you touch a part of the graph.

-Expense list
  An expense list appears when you tap a part of the graph.

-Change category
  Tap "<" or ">" button to shift category. Or tap category title label to go to category list.